Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Earlier today I was reviewing the School Board packet and was surprised to learn that Dan Wright had been appointed to the Joint Advisory committee. Though this was the rumor, I would have preferred to be informed officially as a councilor, rather than reading it in the School Superintendent's notes. 

I continue to hope for transparency. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

184 Days

We vote in 184 days.

I know that seems like a long way off, and it is, but the School Board has some significant work to do in that time. With all the talk about options and credibility and transparency and consultants, I'm surprised that there has been so little discussion about the final phase of the fire and life safety plan for the Jr. Sr. High School.

184 days.

It's been my understanding that the School Board doesn't want to continue to work with Harriman. I won't pretend to know how long it takes to put together the RFP. Or conduct interviews for architects. Or have them come up with a plan that will suit our needs. But warrant articles are usually due in mid January and I'm concerned that this School Board hasn't even started the process.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Practice what you preach.

 Last night, after the School Board met with legal counsel in a "non meeting" (a non meeting is defined by RSA 91A:2), the School Board chairperson read a statement describing how the joint committee/advisory board will be formed, which I have copied below with my thoughts in bold. 

"The board is, through consensus, comfortable with a joint advisory committee of eight."
First question--why did this discussion need to happen with counsel? 
"Two of whom will be appointed by the school board, two by the Town Council and the remainder would be selected by a process by sending out a general notice to all members of the community interested in serving on this committee."
Please define "general notice." The superintendent, when discussing communication during another point in the evening wasn't even aware that the district had a regular electronic newsletter. I was surprised that not one board member mentioned this when he looked confused.  How will the community be notified?
There needs to be a significant awareness campaign on this issue.
"We are going to develop a process that will solicit interest from members of the community who wish to serve. We will develop more details later. The deadline for submission is September 15, 2014."
I'm having a hard time with this timeline. "They" are going to develop a process. When? How? Who? The deadline for submission is in 10 days, but the process hasn't been developed yet. The next School Board meeting is after the submission deadline, so will this be yet another item decided by one or two people, out of the public view? 

"After the deadline application the board will meet to look at letters of interest, provide comment to the four members of the committee, and then those members will determine which four of the community would serve on the committee."

I sincerely hope that this process happens in public. There is no need to do this behind closed doors, though that does seem to be the preferred method of conducting business by this board. 

"Subject to the final ratification from the Board, which is consistent with our policy."

During the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, Chairman Levy stated "I'm hoping that tomorrow the School Board will make a determination to create a real joint committee." I'm curious to see if this meets his definition of "real joint committee." It's clear that there is still confusion about the composition of this committee and who's "in charge" and Mr. Levy seemed frustrated by the School Board's decision to adhere to its own policies. 

I understand the need for non public sessions and non meetings - non-meetings are typical when a board meets with counsel. But when they started the regular meeting and the chair gave her report, it seemed to me that the School Board changed action that had been discussed and voted on in a previous public meeting. 

They did so in a non public consultation with counsel and then presented it to the community without any discussion or real explanation as to how they arrived at the decision they did. The chair simply read the above statement from her iPad and then moved on to the next item.

Overall, I'm concerned about the lack of transparency with this board and this process. Transparency has been their mantra, but they have yet to practice it.

A separate email will be sent directly to the School Board and the Superintendent to try to get some of these questions answered. I'll keep you posted.