Thursday, May 17, 2012

About last night...

From last night's Town Council meeting:

"It's not a cash issue, it's an accounting issue."
--Mr. Nazarro, in regard to closing out the Downtown TIF
Basically this gets to the idea of the "missing money" that was reported a while back. It's not like a pile of cash had vanished. There were some accounting errors/stylistic problems, that needed to be addressed. After last night's meeting, it seems to finally be resolved.

"I really don't care"
--Mr. Zink, regarding the Black Bear TIF
Personally, I think this is a problem. I hope that was his frustration talking and that he does care, at least a little, about the TIF.

"We've been put in these seats to make decisions"
--Mr. LaBranche
Well said Mr. LaBranche. I couldn't agree with you more. As a taxpayer I might not always agree with the decisions the Council makes, but PLEASE start making some decisions. It is a miracle that anything gets done.

"We are mired in yesterday"
--Mr. Nazarro

"To complicate this with the Black Bear TIF is absurd."
Mr. Zink, in response to Mr. Levy's insistence on inserting Black Bear TIF funds into the Downtown TIF/water fund conversation.
Yes. Absurd and irresponsible. One thing that's clear about the Black Bear TIF, is that it must keep Gary Levy up at night. He says that he just wants it closed and the money returned to the taxpayers, but  I have a feeling there's something else. At one point during the evening, Mr. Bentley suggested that if anyone has any extra "dogs in this fight" they should disclose them. I wonder what Mr. Levy's dog is?

"More about Black Bear next week."
--Mr. Nazarro
I have little doubt.

"I have a fair amount of skepticism about the numbers and where they've been."
--Mr. Levy
OK, this just made me giggle. It was a long night.

"Is he really comparing running an entire town to his business?"
--Overheard in the audience
Yes, he was.

"I'll make the motion now and it'll probably fail and that will be that."
"OK, so one dumb question."
"I'm just confused, but that's OK."
"I have just one dumb question."
--Mr. Levy
I wrote these quotes down and had some very snarky things to say about them, but on the advice of my husband, I deleted those comments. Here's the thing, though: Mr. Levy starts A LOT of questions with this sort of comment. It's frustrating. Mr. Levy, there are no dumb questions.


  1. I have to agree with you. There are no dumb questions, especially as it concerns our town and its finances and getting it cleaned up and in order.

    I love the idea of you writing down these quotes. It must have made for the meeting to be a little enjoyable (or as enjoyable as a town council meeting can be)

    1. Thanks Terri--it was fun way to do a meeting recap.

  2. The only thing I learned is your husband needs to zip it so your fury will be unleashed.

    1. It's strange that he's become the reasonable one in the family.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
