Monday, December 17, 2012


Yes, I believe this is about guns. 

Here are some of the issues taken up during the last legislative session in New Hampshire as reported by Granite State Progress:

  • whether to allow someone who was denied a handgun license to petition directly to the Superior court and skip the local process.
  • whether to allow guns on college campuses and dorms, in athletic stadiums and public parks and beaches.
  • whether to exempt firearms, fire arm accessories, and ammunition manufactured in New Hampshire from federal law and regulation. A yes vote on this bill additionally made a state or federal official, who enforced a lawful federal regulation, guilty of a misdemeanor or felony.
  • whether to eliminate licensing requirements for N.H. residents to own and carry firearms such as pistols and revolvers, "whether openly or concealed, loaded or unloaded."
  • whether to overturn established law that prohibited carrying loaded rifles and shotguns in vehicles.
  • whether to allow any person, meeting certain statutory requirements, to carry a firearm, openly or concealed, loaded or unloaded, on or about their person or upon or in a vehicle, whether or not such person possesses a license, permit, or other authorization to carry a firearm. This bill also removed the requirement that non-residents obtain a license to possess a firearm while in New Hampshire.
  • whether to allow the use of firearms and fireworks in crowded, heavily populated cities and towns.

The President said that now is the time for action. Then he read the names of 20 children murdered on Friday. They were 1st graders.

I have a 1st grader who is happy to have a snow day today and looking forward to Christmas next week. He is excited about learning Math and reading new books. He is sweet and competitive and stubborn and innocent and I will not stand to hear an elected official justify compromising his safety by hiding behind the 2nd Amendment.

We have a voice and we can use it. I don't want to struggle again with the decision of whether or not to tell my 7 & 9 year old about another mass shooting in a school or a mall or a movie theater. I'm using my voice to talk about this and I beg you to use yours.

Find your elected representatives here: Write to your state reps, your Governor, your Congressmen and your Senators.  

As the President asked last night-"What choice do we have?"

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