There's been a lot of talk about needs vs. wants in regard to our schools. With that in mind, I think it's important to talk about technology. Some people think that those who want better technology are asking for too much. But technology isn't a want. It is a necessity. (I'm talking to you, reading this on your computer, smartphone or tablet. And if you're reading this on an old one, you know how quickly technology changes.) We need to move forward.
When Dr. Hayes first presented the budget, he remarked that the principals' original request was too high to put in the operating budget and instead split it up, putting part of the request into a separate warrant article. As the process continued, the School Board sought additional input and the decision was made to eliminate that article-so you won't see it on the ballot in March.
We need to consider what the implications will be for our schools next year. Truthfully, I'm kicking myself for not asking this question at the public hearing. Does it mean another year without moving forward? Can we afford that?
I know that some people hear "30 iPads for our High School" and think that the School Board is asking for the moon. But do we want to let our kids fall further behind? An article in the Exeter Newsletter last week spoke about a request in Stratham for 90 iPads and 100 Chromebooks--for their elementary school. That's one example of what other communities are doing. And before people start yelling at me saying that "we're not Stratham" - that's why we're talking about implementing a 1:1 program at the High School.
We need to start the process and can't delay another year. Things aren't going to get easier with time and nothing is going to get less expensive. We need to start the process now and approve any funds requested by the school board for technology by approving the operating budget.
The 21st century is here. Let's equip our kids to compete in it.
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