Thursday, December 5, 2013

Facebook Reality.

When citizens get involved and ask our elected officials to act, things start to get done. 

I've seen two examples of this in Newmarket in recent weeks:

  • A group of citizens got together, formed a petition and gathered signatures in the hopes of asking the Town Council to consider allowing studies for hydroelectric power at the Macallen dam. They presented their case to the Town Council a couple weeks ago. At last night's Town Council meeting, a resolution was read (though not voted on yet) to support such a study.
  • A couple parents stood up at the last School Board meeting and requested that the administration and School Board take a second look at the current plans for a new school and do their due diligence to make sure that the estimated cost for a new Jr./Sr. High School is as low as possible.  Reworking the plans has been in the works since the October public forums, and the issue was highlighted publicly by these parents. Now more people are paying attention. 

I hope this trend of public involvement continues. But last night I was one of three citizens at the Town Council meeting. People can complain that they're not being heard, but if you want to speak directly to the leadership of our town you have to show up.

In the last few years, several Facebook forums have been created in Newmarket and they're great for a lot of things.  People have used them to rally support, increase awareness, and disseminate information. It is a place to vent and to express ideas. But it DOES NOT replace expressing your opinion to your elected officials through appropriate channels.

Go to meetings. Write letters. Send emails. Leave Facebook for other things.

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