Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Plan B

The school facilities.

It's a topic that inevitably comes up when talking to someone with school aged children in Newmarket.

I remember when Josh and I were buying our home. The couple we bought it from had two middle school aged boys who went to private school. When we asked about the schools in town (of course we had NO idea what that really meant--we could barely dress ourselves, nevermind think about raising children) we were told that the elementary school was great, but we'd better get out of town by the time the kids are ready to enter 6th grade. No problemo---when you don't HAVE kids, the idea of having a 6th grader is ridiculous. We had a lifetime and the problem would surely be resolved by then, right?

Fast forward 12 years and here we are. In September we will have one in 3rd grade and one in 1st grade. Whether the solution is to build new or renovate, it will not be done by the time our oldest is ready for middle school. 

This uncertainty leads to a bigger problem. I look around at my peers, my friends, and I see people who are afraid to put down roots here. They live here, sure, but that's not the same as committing to this place. It creates a transient attitude that will never benefit our town. You can't build a community when a good chunk of the population has one foot out the door.

We need to know what's next.

I think it's reasonable to want to know where my kids are going to spend their high school years. Until we settle that question, lots of young families will be looking for a plan B. And if you're looking for what's next, you can't focus on what's here.

There are so many challenges facing our town, but in my mind the school is the biggest and impacts everyone in town in some way. The facilities committee meets next week and I'm anxious to hear about our options. I know we all have a lot happening this time of year, but I urge you all to come to the meeting on Monday. It probably won't be broadcast live, but will be taped so check out Channel 13 if you can't make it.

Maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but I think our town's future depends on people paying attention now.


  1. Right with you on all of these comments. We bought about 12 years ago and also heard the same thing about the schools. Fast forward and we now have a son headed into 3rd grade next year. We just put our house on the market and have had little interest because of the school situation. A number of realtors have said that no one wants to buy in Newmarket. And there are over 100 houses for sale in Newmarket at the moment. Some have been on the market for at least a year.

    Newmarket has a lot of potential but it is being held back by the decisions or former town council members and the ignorance or life-long residence who believe if if the school was good enough for them 40 years ago, it is good enough for kids today.

    If we are unable to sell our house we will likely send our son to private school and will fight the town on a tuition voucher. In our opinion, they are no providing an "adequate" facility or education for those in 6th grade and up. They are required to by law. Not being accredited is inadequate.

    1. I agree--it's frustrating. But the thing is, I love our town and I love our school. I look at the Jr. Sr. High and while I think the facility is poor, I am really impressed with what they've done academically. Imagine what we could do with a new facility!

      Someone posted a picture on FB recently of a group of high school students in town and I thought--that's what I want! I know a lot of those parents and they are nice, good people. I look around at my kids' friends and I want them to stay together.

      I really think we can get there!
