Friday, November 16, 2012

Cuts (take 2)

At the school board meeting last night people rallied behind a couple of the proposed cuts-the Enrichment position at the Elementary School and the School to Coordinator position at the Jr. Sr. High School. Other cuts include (but this isn't a complete list) a SPED coordinator, 2 paraprofessionals and a reading specialist. 

Honestly, I'm a mess about all of this. 

Every time I started to think about what to say in defense of the Enrichment program (a program both of my boys have benefited from) I kept coming back to one thing: What's next? As much as I want to think that we can salvage these positions, I'm not sure that it's possible. And as sad as that makes me, I shudder to think about what's coming.  

I believe in public education and support the right for ALL students to get an adequate education, including mine--and I don't believe that squeezing every dime out of the budget is responsible. We're not talking about a road that isn't getting paved or a water main that isn't getting flushed. We're talking about our kids.

The School Board is attempting to balance the roles of overseeing the education of our children while being good stewards of our tax dollars and I see their dilemma. But it's not OK to tell our teachers and kids to do more with less. If we continue down this path, where will we be in 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? 

Chipping away little by little, year after year continues to dilute the quality of education that we provide in Newmarket, but we can decide when we've had enough.

People stood up in defense of these positions last night and I want to make sure that those people know that last night is just the beginning of this process. Cliff Chase outlined the budget procedure and there will again be time for public input. It is important for people to attend the budget meetings, attend the deliberative session and then to vote in March. It's going to take a little work, but it can be done.

An important reminder: it's not up to the budget committee to make the final decision--it's up to the voters. 

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