Monday, February 3, 2014

Where you need to be on Saturday.

People have asked why they should attend the Deliberative Session on Saturday. Here's why:

The deliberative session is more than just another town meeting. It is a vote. And it's not just a matter of ratifying what the budget committee has recommended. The people in the room can drastically change the outcome of our March vote. Here's how:
Any person can get up and make a motion to change the dollar amount of any warrant article. That motion, if supported, then goes to a vote by a show of hands. That means that someone could make a motion to change the dollar amount of a warrant article to $0 and if that goes to a vote, and there aren't enough people in the room to vote against it, the article is, essentially, GONE. 
The system may seem a little cumbersome to some people, but this is each resident's opportunity to have a voice and a direct impact. 

Your vote matters.

The Deliberative Session is on Saturday Feb. 8th at the HS gym with the School meeting starting at 10am and the Town meeting starting at 1pm. Childcare will be provided starting at 9:30.

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