Thursday, March 5, 2015

Town Meeting 101 - Lamprey Health

Article T-16 is the Petition warrant article which would reinstate funds to Lamprey Health's Senior Transportation program:

Each year, the Town includes a number of social service grants in the budget. The idea being, that these agencies provide a benefit to the community that is clear and quantifiable.

When the budget was originally presented to the Town Council, it was not clear that the typical grant given to Lamprey was designated to the Senior transportation program. It had always been presented as a general grant to the organization. As it was explained at that time, Lamprey is a large property holder in town and the fact that it doesn't pay property taxes based on it's non-profit status, made the councilors feel justified in heeding the advice of the Town Administrator and eliminating the $10,000 contribution. The Council approved the budget in late October.

It wasn't until January that we were aware of any concerns from Lamprey. At the Town Council meeting on January 21, representatives from Lamprey Senior Rides program presented their petition warrant article and explained the necessity of the funds for this program that serves our community. Their explanation was enough to sway the majority of councilors to vote in favor of the warrant article, myself included. I can't speak for anyone else, but the evidence of the benefit to the community was clear and I feel strongly that we should support this program in Newmarket this year.

We vote on Tuesday, March 10. Polls will be open at Town Hall from 7am-7pm.

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