We hear about the War on Women and tend to think that it's happening somewhere else. Maybe you think of Virginia with it's transvaginal ultrasound law or Wisconsin gutting equal pay for equal work and you don't think that it could happen here in NH. But make no mistake, it's happening right here in our own backyard.
The 2010 takeover of the NH House by the Tea Party brought fiscal ultra conservatism and a social agenda to match.
Here are some of the items the NH House took on this year:
- Defunding Planned Parenthood, jeopardizing the health care of thousands of NH women.
- Requiring parental notification before a minor receives an abortion even in the case of rape, abuse or incest.
- Removing comprehensive preventative health services for women, including contraception, from benefits expected to be covered by health insurers.
- Allowing employers to deny coverage for contraception based on the employers' personal beliefs.
- Forcing doctors to provide false information to patients seeking abortions, including that abortion causes breast cancer.
- Banning abortion even when a woman's health is in danger.
- Prosecuting individuals who knowingly or unknowingly cause the death of a fetus, a bill that could make it difficult for women seeking fertility treatment.
Where will it end? What will you do to stop it?
I believe that every little bit helps. Use your voice to write a letter, tell your sisters and neighbors, call your representatives and most importantly VOTE on November 6th.
State Representatives Josh Davenport and Adam Schroadter supported all the bills listed above. Is this what we want for New Hampshire? Is this what you want for yourself, your wife or your daughters?
In Newmarket and Newfields, I urge you to vote for Marcia Moody, William Connery, Michael Cahill and Patty Lovejoy. Together we can protect our rights.
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