Thursday, October 4, 2012

33 Days

HB 334 is described by Granite State Progress as "A bill that would allow guns on college campuses and dorms, in athletic stadiums and public parks and beaches. This bill additionally restricted local communities from making local decisions regarding firearms in these areas."

And how do you think our legislators voted?

Josh Davenport voted in favor of HB 334.
Adam Schroadter voted in favor of HB 334.
Marcia Moody voted against HB 334. 

Here is some more feedback about the bill:

From the Union Leader:
"Rep. Stephen Shurtleff, D-Concord, said the bill would allow guns at day-care centers on state property, including community colleges, and at the Merrimack County Nursing Home.
The bill “is like yelling fire in a crowded theater,” he said. “There are some places in New Hampshire where we just don't want guns. This bill will put guns in places they just don't belong.”

From the Nashua Patch:
Written by Terie Norelli, House Democratic Leader.
"All of New Hampshire’s public colleges and universities currently ban guns on campus, and HB 334 would mandate a reversal of that policy.  University officials and police, citing the prevalence of alcohol use and the fact that one’s college years are “often among the most volatile periods in a person’s life,” requested an exemption to HB 334 that would retain their authority to regulate the possession of firearms on campus.  That request was denied, as supporters of the bill actually argued that allowing everyone to carry guns on campus makes us safer."

Described as "lunacy" by
The House approved bills allowing people to drive around with loaded rifles and shotguns, and to carry concealed guns without permits. But the killer bill, and I do mean killer, is HB 334: That one would prohibit college, state, and local officials from banning guns on state and community college campuses, and on other state property, including sports and concert arenas where alcohol is served and fights happen. That bit of lunacy passed by a 180-to-144 vote in the House.

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